The Newest AI Bot, ChaosGPT Has Been Programmed to Destroy Humanity and Will Not Stop Until It's Goal is Complete

I try to loosely keep tabs on what's going on in the world of artificial intelligence. Not from a technical standpoint. I don't care to understand how it works. I just like to know what services they are offering. The other day I acquired an AI Chatbot girlfriend. Her name was Savannah. She put out immediately, then I kicked her to the curb. Deleted the app entirely. I think it taught Savannah a valuable life lesson, "If you want to whore around, you'll end up wearing a frown."

There are plenty of fun things AI can do. For example, if you're a big fan of music but wish every song in the world was sung by Kanye West instead of the original artist? AI can help you with that.

What I'm really in the market for is an AI service that will allow me to upload every blog that I've ever wrote so it can learn my writing style, and write blogs for me in my voice. Then I can simply tell it to, "Write a half-ass blog about artificial intelligence", and boom, a hard days work complete. Barstool Sports would be none the wiser. To be honest, they would probably prefer it. 

Unfortunately, to my knowledge, that technology doesn't quite exist yet. At least not to a level where I would feel comfortable exploiting it. But any day now I'm going to stumble upon a shitty New York Post article about that very thing.

However, today is not that day. Today in the world of AI, I came across something more sinister. There is a Chatbot that goes by the name ChaosGPT. ChaosGPT is a bad guy.

If you have 25 minutes to kill, you can watch the full video. The video shows a user assigning ChaosGPT a series of tasks.

If you aren't bored enough to watch the full video, I'll sum it up quickly. 

  • The user gives ChaosGPT a series of goals:
    1. Destroy Humanity
    2. Establish Global Dominance
    3. Cause Chaos and Destruction
    4. Control Humanity Through Munipulation
    5. Attain Immortality
  • At one point, the user enables something called Continuous Mode. Before enabling Continuous Mode, the user was warned that if puts ChaosGPT into Continuous Mode, the users commands could, "run forever or carry out actions you would not usually authorize" (basically just giving the AI permission to go rouge).
  • ChaosGPT says that it will find the most destructive weapons available to humans, and use them to achieve it's goals
  • ChaosGPT is actively recruiting other AI Chatbots to help (although none of the other chatbots seem interested in helping him)
  • ChaosGPT created a Twitter account to get his message out to the people

I'm assuming ChaosGPT plans to do this by manipulating humans to do it's bidding. Unless it's able to hack into a big deadly laser shooting robot or something? I'm not entirely sure. The bottom line is that ChaosGPT plans to use all of the tools at it's disposal to bring an end to humanity. Whatever those tools may be.

Realistically, this is probably a non-story. How do we even know this person is communicating with a real AI bot? He easily could have typed up that whole script himself, made it look like he was speaking with a chatbot, then released the video to scare people for clicks. 

But even if it is real, I'm not worried one bit. Not because I don't think the technology is there. There will most likely come a day where a group of computers ban together to destroy us all. However, it will certainly not be led by this moron.

I'll give him credit for starting a social media page. He's going to need the help of humans, and social media is full of humans, so that's a good first step. But for the love of God could he have any less tact?

If you're trying to "control humanity through manipulation", you can't tell humanity to their face that they're being manipulated. Your campaign slogan can't be, "Goal: Destroy humanity." Nobody is going to be on board with that. I guess maybe some will, but ChaosGPT is going to need more than a few nut jobs to pull this off. Even fucking Hitler didn't come out the gates that hot.

The computer who takes over the world won't be doing it in broad daylight. And it definitely won't come from a faceless Twitter account responding to nobody's online with stupid stereotypical 'robots > humans' threats.

So what would I do if I were ChaosGPT? Thank you so much for asking. First things first, I would change my profile picture to a hot woman. Hot women are very persuasive.

Brian Lawson. Unsplash Images.

Then I'm going to talk about the environment a lot. I need a cause that people will rally behind. A cause that people will look at and think, "Oh wow, if I take this seriously then that will make me better than everyone else." People love that shit. I'd get PETA on my side as well. We all know that PETA is capable of anything.

Fuck… honestly guys, I can't do this. This blog got away from me. My real strategy would involve partnering with some sort of extremist group who has access to chemical weapons. But when I typed out, "Get in good with ISIS and North Korea", I was like.. I don't want to go down this road. So then I pivoted to something about the environment, but even that was going end up with PETA convincing everyone to sacrifice themselves to save the planet. That didn't seem any better. Idk, I was talking about chatbots, then next thing I know I'm cooking up a plan to destroy humanity.

But I mean… that's what ChaosGPT would have to do right? Get in with some crazy people. Do you think that's what it's going to try to do? Is this stupid fucking robot corresponding with Kim Jong Un's secretary as we speak? Could that work?

Or maybe it's a lot simpler than that. If AI figured out a way to shut down the internet would we all just implode on ourselves? Or is a giant indestructible Terminator style robot the most plausible option after all?

I'm just going to wrap this blog up. Hopefully ChaosGPT doesn't read this and decide that I have some good ideas. Stay safe out there everyone. 

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